Meeker Extreme
Conceived in 2014 to be an Extreme Enduro
However with how things are and the legal hoops and no one really wanting to take on this idea the race portion has died. If anyone every is interested I am able to give you those contacts in the Town of Meeker, CO so that you can pick this up with no strings attached, I do not have the time nor funds to tackle such an endeavor like a race at this time.
I have since been making more YouTube videos and have decided to just use the name as I find it to be pretty cool and use it as my Motovlogging handle.
I would like to thank everyone that was supportive and helpful during this whole process. I learned a lot and met a lot of great people in the racing circuits and industry.
Conceived in 2014 to be an Extreme Enduro
However with how things are and the legal hoops and no one really wanting to take on this idea the race portion has died. If anyone every is interested I am able to give you those contacts in the Town of Meeker, CO so that you can pick this up with no strings attached, I do not have the time nor funds to tackle such an endeavor like a race at this time.
I have since been making more YouTube videos and have decided to just use the name as I find it to be pretty cool and use it as my Motovlogging handle.
I would like to thank everyone that was supportive and helpful during this whole process. I learned a lot and met a lot of great people in the racing circuits and industry.